Full Membership
Become a member of the Professional Film Crew of Western Australia
New applicants must show at least a total of 26 accumulative weeks of recent employment, within one professionally accredited* department and on more than one Australian or International production (Narrative, Documentary, or commercial). Applicants must be WA residents. All applications are subject to committee approval.
*Professionally Accredited — a recognised film & TV department that is fully paid at, or above the award scale
As a Full Member of PFCWA you receive:
- Directory listing
- Marketing and promotional activity provided by PFCWA
- Voting rights at the AGM held yearly in December and potential committee involvement
- Members log-in to allow easy updating of your member directory profile
- Provision of information exclusively for Full Members
- The Wrap – Our members only newsletter
- Access to our Members Forum
- Newsflash notifications via email – hot off the press
- Discount to PFCWA and other industry events within the PFCWA friend network inc: training and social ticketed events.
- Networking opportunities with Industry professionals
$75 per year (Membership to PFCWA is a tax deduction for industry employees)
*$37.50 Pro Rata membership from May 1st to October 31st
Associate Membership
Become an Associate Member of Professional Film Crew of Western Australia.
Associate Membership is open to those industry individuals who do not currently meet the criteria for full membership. No voting rights apply to Associate members. All applicants are subject to committee approval.
As an Associate Member of PFCWA you receive:
- Name listing on website
- The Wrap – Quarterly newsletter
- Newsflash notifications via email- hot off the press
- Discount to PFCWA and other related industry events within the PFCWA friend network inc: training and social ticketed events
- Network opportunities with industry professionals
$40/year (Membership to PFCWA is a Tax deduction for industry employees)
*$20 Pro Rata membership from May 1st to October 31st
Friends of PFCWA
Be on our mailing list. You can never have too many friends!
You receive:
- Name listing on website
- The Wrap – our Quarterly Newsletter
- Newsflash alerts via email – hot off the press